Creative Director - Mike Delaney
Director - David Puckett
DP - Ronny Nause
Titles - Mike Delaney, Mikey Zoppo
Story - Zan Gantt
Editing - Zan Gantt
Animation - Mikey Zoppo
Composition - Dan Schneider
Special Thanks - Emily Kreer, Valentina Zappia

Innovate Raleigh, a leading non-profit in the triangle area, seeks to make the Triangle one of the top five centers for innovation and entrepreneurship in the country. Working with an elite group of talent from Centerline Digital, Innovate Raleigh selected 5 businesses to be highlighted in their Makers + Doers short film campaign. Bee Downtown was the first to kick off this film series, and it really set the bar high. Leigh-Katherine and her vision to bring bees into rural areas made for a great story and amazing visuals. The team that helped make this short a reality deserves so much credit. The ever amazingly talented Mike Delaney helped guide the Centerline team through the creative process, and DP Ronny Nause bravely captured stunning visuals of the bees in action. Dan Schneider wrote the accompanying composition which really sticks to you, and helps drive the overall story. Thanks to all those who helped make this piece come to light. It was a pleasure!